
Showing posts from May, 2013

Shortbread cookie recipe - slightly borrowed

[ Source ] from April 1 2013 People Magazine So, while waiting with family in a hospital room with now windows, I was flipping through a People Magazine and found the recipe here (which someone else decided to save as well to provide me with this lovely picture). With the recent online meltdowns involving certain bakeries that had had some interaction with Mr. Ramsay, it makes the timing even better. Anyway, since Lala the lavender came to my home, I've been hoping to find a way to make lavender shortbread cookies. It seemed perfectly natural! So, why not adjust this recipe for what I wanted to do. I didn't monkey too much with the ingredients, but had to make some adjustments. 2 1/2 cups flour (kept the same) 1/4 tsp fine sea salt (kept the same, luckily had some on hand) 1 1/2 cups unsalted butter (reduced from original to make room for olive oil) 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil (not in original at all) 2/3 cup superfine sugar (confectioner's worked for me)...

The ever-controversial body shape topic

This seems to be a topic of the moment. While chatting with my sister, we started talking about body image and how things seem to be so skewed, and our own issues with our body shapes and our body image. The other day, I had a great experience with a woman at a dress shop. Then today, a friend posted a link to this blog post on Facebook, and it got me thinking. It feels like there's a lot of judgement out there, a lot of mean competition between women that only tears people down.  This benefits no one but the folks at Slim Fast and the successors to PhenPhen, the cosmetics industry, and Spanx. There's also a lot of counter-activisim in a few flavors. There are women who strike back with just reverse judgement, turning the prejudice on skinny women while glorifying the other end of the spectrum.  The perspective that I like best is what came out of the conversation with my sister.  It's that of the authors of Fatcast , a podcast that is looking to breakdown the idea t...