Interested in Cross-stitch awesome?
So, this year, one of the things I did was to learn how to cross-stitch, and did I ever! I've discovered it's a lot of fun, and a great way to incorporate my love of all things nerdy. I've already made two things - both of which I am so ridiculously proud of. One is a Firefly quote sampler and the other is a portrait and quote from Chewbacca. I made the patterns myself, based on the same process I have described to create intarsia patterns . These are more difficult to document, I've discovered, but just as rewarding! As a result, I've decided to create share-able pattens and try my hand at selling them via my new Etsy store . Right now, I've got a couple patterns for the stitch works I've already done, and interested to add more as I can. I'll admit that I've never done anything with Etsy before, so I'm interested to see how it goes.