So long, 2013! Don't let the screen door hit you on the way out!

Inspired by one of my new favorite writers, I want to write a brief letter to 2013.

Dear 2013,

Bite me.

You had some good moments, like a promotion and lots of positive feedback and travel for work. However, those times when you inflicted incredible harm to the people I love were not cool. I have spent too much time in hospitals for one year during your twelve months. Too many tears. Way too many tears.  It's not for nothing that my mother said this year "if what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, we must be like Godzilla by now."

I want to burn you in effigy every day leading to your end.

You have become dangerously unbalanced and unhealthy. I don't want to see any other years like this again. No pathetic late night drunk calls seeking reconciliation. No sad texts or emails. Just go. And take your pain and suffering with you.

Sincerely and without affection of any kind,

-E KnitNerdRant

Dear 2014,

You look cute. I'll see you on the 1st. I'll be the one in the red coat and purple scarf. Let's see where this goes.

Impatiently yours,

- E KnitNerdRant


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